Sites and Tools

INDI by Jesús Tamez-Duque Office @ Tec de Monterrey, Monterrey, México.

Monterrey, MX
Prototyping and Clinical Deployment

- 2 x Seasonal Developer Seats
- 2 x Associate Student Seats
- Full-On-Manufacturing Workspace
- Partner Rehabilitation Clinics

Associated Licenses
- (Associate) Matlab Academic (2020)

- 1 x Lenovo CAD Workstations (2017(A), 2019)
- Flashforge Guider IIs High Temp. (2019)
- Dremel 4000 (2019)
- General Electronic Tools
- (Associate) Zortrax M200 Plus (2019)

Primary Suppliers
- Techmake (Monterrey)
- 3D Market (Querétaro)
- 3D Hubs (Amsterdam)
- AM Equipment (Oregon)
- Expomex (Monterrey)
- Diseño y Manufactura Digital (Querétaro)

INDI by Jesús Tamez-Duque Office @ École des Mines Charpak. Aix-En-Provence, France.

(HQ) Aix-en-Provence, FR
Global Operations and Solution Design

- 1 x Administrative Seat
- 2 x Developer Seat
- Electronics and Printing FabLab

- Flashforge Guider IIs High Temp. (2019)
- Dremel 4000 (2020)
- General Electronic Tools
- General Mechanical Tools
- Nikon D5300 with
1. Nikon DX VR Lens: AF-S Nikkor 18-140mm 1:3.5-5.6G ED

Primary Suppliers
- GoTronic (Blagny)
- Accu Bolts (UK)
- 3D Prima (Sweden)
- Flashforge (Zhejiang)
- Maker Shop (Le Mans)
- 3D Hubs (Amsterdam)
- AM Equipment (Oregon)
- ColorFabb (Netherlands)
- Dold Mechatronik (Germany)

INDI by Jesús Tamez-Duque @ MOKE Accelerator. Hangzhou, China.

Hangzhou, CN
Market Access and Applied Research

- 1 x Administrative Seat
- 1 x Developer Seat
- CoWorking Space

Primary Suppliers
- Flashforge (Zhejiang)
- 3D Hubs (Amsterdam)
- AM Equipment (Oregon)

Software Tools

Licenses (Active)
- Google Workspace with
1. Google Email (
2. Google Calendar
3. Google Meet
4. Google Drive for Word- and Excel-Style Files

- Dropbox (Most Recent) Cloud Storage Service + App. 5-User License
- Remote PC (Most Recent) Workstation Access Application. 10-Device License
- Solidworks Professional 2021 SP1.0 3D Modelling Software. Commercial Single-Device License
- ZBrush Core 2018.1 3D Sculpting Software. Single User License
- (In Evaluation) pCloud (Most Recent) Cloud Storage Service + App. 5-User License
- (In Evaluation) Electric UI 25.3.2 GUI Development Software. Open Source License. with
If Mac
1. Node 0.39.4
2. Node18 LTS 18.17.0
3. Yarn
4. Electric UI Github Embedded Library 0.8.0
If Windows
- (Associate) TouchDesigner 2021.11180 Generative-Visualization Development Sofwtare. Commercial License

Licenses (Paused)
- Avira Security (Most Recent) Antivirus + Optimizer. 5-Device License
- Smartsheet Project Manager (Online Platform)
- Skype North-American Communications (Most Recent)
- Emotiv App EEG Collector for Emotiv Headsets Academic / Commercial Single-User License with
1. Cortex

Open Software
- Google Platform with
1. Google Email (
2. Google Calendar
3. Google Meet
4. Google Drive for Word- and Excel-Style Files

- Discord (Most Recent) Communications Application
- LucidSpark (Online Platform) Note-Keeper
- Gimp 2.10.22 Image Processing Software
- Kdenlive 20.12.3 Video Editing Software
- Arduino IDE 1.8.13 Microcontroller-Programming Application
- Flashprint 5.3.4 Print-File Generation Application. with
1. INDI Printing Profiles
- Processing 3.5.4 Generative-2D-Drawing Programming Application
- Python 3.7.9 Programming Application with*
1. matplot
2. mediapipe
3. numpy
4. opencv-python
5. openpyxl
6. pandas
7. pillow
8. pyinstaller
9. pylsl
10. pyserial
11. python-osc
12. scikit-image
13. scipy
14. tk
15. websockets

For China
- Voov by Tencent (Most Recent) Communications Application
- QQ Docs by Tencent (Online Platform) Collaborative-File Developer for Word- and Excel-Style Files

Quick Software Usage Tips

*To install Python libraries:

A. On Mac, go to Terminal and type python3.7 -m pip install (librarykeyword) (keywords are the ones shown in the list).

B. On Windows, go to Command Prompt and (1) first select the python3.7 folder in your computer typing cd C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37” (your path to your Python folder may vary, but it will most likely be exactly that); (2) then type python -m pip install (librarykeyword)” .

If an error occurs when trying to install any specific library, displaying a message such as “Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError” or “ Could not install packages due to an OSError” try “python -m pip install —user (librarykeyword)” (with two - before “user”).

Please do this for each and all of the libraries shown in the list immediately after installing Python.

To Create Python Executables:

A. On Windows, make sure to add the directory path where “pyinstaller.exe” was installed to the “Path” section of Windows System Environment Variables. You can do this by accessing the Windows panel upon searching “variables”, then finding “Path” and choosing to modify, then add new and writing down your specific path - which should be something close to “C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts”.

1. First, assign a temporary filename to the python script / application for which you want to build an executable (this is necessary because the commands required will only properly run with names that have no spaces e.g. “”.)

2. On the Command Prompt, select the folder that contains the python application you want to turn into an executable by using the “cd (folder path)” command.

3. Once the Command Prompt show you are in the correct folder, run the command “pyinstaller (python application filename including .py) --onefile -w”.

4. You’ll get a bunch of folders and files that are not required - make sure to locate the . exe file with the same name as your original python script (with its temporary name assigned in step 1) and put it in an independent folder along with a copy of the images that the original python script required. You can move this folder wherever you want and delete all the other files created during the last step.

5. Rename both the original python script and the new .exe file to what the original python script had as a name.