Join the INDI Team !

If you’re looking for variety, challenge, and something out of the norm, you’ve come to the right place.

With a rapidly-growing portfolio of projects developed in innovation, arts, and science, in three different continents, we’re one of the most far-reaching, up-and-coming, technology-design studios in Europe and America.

Join the team and make things happen with us!

Development Leader @ INDI Ingeniería y Diseño

Member Type 1: Development Leader

Project-based, full-time position.

Focused on conceptualization, project management and supplier + client communication; understands the big picture and moves a team to get things done while jumping over one-of-a-kind obstacles at every turn.

Involved in only one of three project tracks: robotics development / interactive installations / portable interfaces.

Requirements :

  • Skilled in Project Management tools.

  • Arguable proficiency in Multidisciplinary Leadership.

  • (Option 1) Robotics Track: Medium/High proficiency in Machine Design + Manufacturing.

  • (Option 2) Installations Track: Experience in Visual Arts or Design + Medium proficiency in Electronics Integration.

  • (Option 3) Interfaces Track: Medium/High proficiency in Solid Works + Medium/High proficiency in Material and Finish Design + Manufacturing.

  • English professional proficiency.

  • Basic French. (Which also means liking wine and cheese, of course!)

  • Travelling availability.

  • >18 months freelancing experience.

  • Updated CV, Portfolio, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Development Specialist @ INDI Ingeniería y Diseño

Member Type 2: Development Specialist

Project-based, part-time position.

Focused on field-specific objective accomplishment; understands the form and quality of challenging deliverables and ensures completion through self-established working hours. Able to work alone as well as through high-interaction periods. Cares for detail and documentation.

Involved in any of three project tracks: robotics development / interactive installations / portable interfaces.

Involved in only one of four development areas: mechanical or structural design / electronics / algorithms and back-end programming / clinical application or experimentation.

Requirements :

  • Strongly technical, master’s-degree-level portfolio in one of our four development areas. (No need for the degree itself, don’t worry.)

  • English professional proficiency.

  • Travelling availability.

  • No specific work experience required.

  • CV + 3 x Technical References.

Business Force @ INDI Ingeniería y Diseño

Member Type 3: Business Force

Full-time position.

Focused on business development activities primarily including sales, public relations, human resources, and marketing; embodies the personality and values of the studio and works to push them internationally.

Involved in one of three business areas: new projects / internal operations / outreach.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor’s degree or proven proficiency in one of the involved areas or activities.

  • English or French professional proficiency.

  • Proficient at remote work or Availability to relocate to France.

  • Minimum 12 and maximum 24 months of work experience.

  • Updated CV, Portfolio (if applicable), Facebook, and LinkedIn.


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©INDI Ingénierie et Design (2015-2024)
Aix-En Provence, France

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