Join the INDI Team !
If you’re looking for variety, challenge, and something out of the norm, you’ve come to the right place.
With a rapidly-growing portfolio of projects developed in innovation, arts, and science, in three different continents, we’re one of the most far-reaching, up-and-coming, technology-design studios in Europe and America.
Join the team and make things happen with us!
Member Type 1: Development Leader
Project-based, full-time position.
Focused on conceptualization, project management and supplier + client communication; understands the big picture and moves a team to get things done while jumping over one-of-a-kind obstacles at every turn.
Involved in only one of three project tracks: robotics development / interactive installations / portable interfaces.
Requirements :
Skilled in Project Management tools.
Arguable proficiency in Multidisciplinary Leadership.
(Option 1) Robotics Track: Medium/High proficiency in Machine Design + Manufacturing.
(Option 2) Installations Track: Experience in Visual Arts or Design + Medium proficiency in Electronics Integration.
(Option 3) Interfaces Track: Medium/High proficiency in Solid Works + Medium/High proficiency in Material and Finish Design + Manufacturing.
English professional proficiency.
Basic French. (Which also means liking wine and cheese, of course!)
Travelling availability.
>18 months freelancing experience.
Updated CV, Portfolio, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Member Type 2: Development Specialist
Project-based, part-time position.
Focused on field-specific objective accomplishment; understands the form and quality of challenging deliverables and ensures completion through self-established working hours. Able to work alone as well as through high-interaction periods. Cares for detail and documentation.
Involved in any of three project tracks: robotics development / interactive installations / portable interfaces.
Involved in only one of four development areas: mechanical or structural design / electronics / algorithms and back-end programming / clinical application or experimentation.
Requirements :
Strongly technical, master’s-degree-level portfolio in one of our four development areas. (No need for the degree itself, don’t worry.)
English professional proficiency.
Travelling availability.
No specific work experience required.
CV + 3 x Technical References.
Member Type 3: Business Force
Full-time position.
Focused on business development activities primarily including sales, public relations, human resources, and marketing; embodies the personality and values of the studio and works to push them internationally.
Involved in one of three business areas: new projects / internal operations / outreach.
Requirements :
Bachelor’s degree or proven proficiency in one of the involved areas or activities.
English or French professional proficiency.
Proficient at remote work or Availability to relocate to France.
Minimum 12 and maximum 24 months of work experience.
Updated CV, Portfolio (if applicable), Facebook, and LinkedIn.
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©INDI Ingénierie et Design (2015-2024)
Aix-En Provence, France